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AP 057: Julie Taylor || Battling Addiction From a Place of Love, Not Hatred



"With each thing I tried, every time it failed . . . I failed deeper and the problem got bigger. It got to the point where I no longer felt any control over it. I remember one day thinking, ‘I’m not going to try anymore.’”   Julie Taylor was known online for being "real," but only she knew the truth--that she was hiding an addiction, and one especially riddled with shame: food addiction.   Julie talks about the transformation she has been through the past few years of identifying herself as someone addicted to food, pursuing help for it, and how in time it made her far more real than she ever had been before.   Julie's path unfortunately led her from one form of addiction to another--an obsession with perfection. One particular incident alarmed her husband: After accidentally having a bite of cheese while out to dinner, she sobbed for hours. Julie eventually decided that this other extreme way of living was making her just as unhappy as having no boundaries.   The biggest key to Julie's TRUE healing arose as