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AP 047: Ralphie Jacobs || Rediscovering Hope in Parenting through the Growth Mindset



"What it means “to grow” is to practice something—one thing really deliberately—and do it over and over again. And then when you make a mistake, you look back and you close that loop really quickly by recognizing what went well and what didn’t go well, and then you practice it again."   Ralphie Jacobs admits that she was born with an innate love for children and a natural gift of caring for them. But even she was surprised as a young mom by how her well-informed, highly educated patience could "vanish."    Recognizing this capacity in herself, Ralphie decided to deliberately change how she was parenting, to grow her skill set as a mother just as she would with any other talent, skill, or expertise that requires growth and practice. Now, Ralphie is a parenting expert who passes on the incredible (and I'd say LIFE-CHANGING) things she has learned over the years about how to grow purposefully within your job as a parent. And she makes it clear: the answers are actually quite simple.   Ralphie shares how she beca