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AP 009: Danielle Hansen || Pushing back against disordered eating and infertility



"The thing that hurt me the most . . . was all the time I had wasted preoccupied with food, and not being present."   Eating disorders are really tricky to talk about. Not only are they shame-driven and shrouded in secrecy, but the depth and significance of an eating disorder's roots is difficult to convey in a way that people truly understand what a lasting effect it has on a person's life.    Danielle Hansen does the impossible, though.      In today's podcast, Danielle bravely untangles some of what fed her need to obsessively control her eating, exercise, and body, and how perfectionism and its related need to worry about other people's opinions of her fueled her disease.   Danielle tried to work on her recovery while simultaneously battling infertility, but it wasn't until the birth of her firstborn and hitting her lowest low that Danielle felt determined to take back her life. She says, "I just remember being so mad, because I had this beautiful baby, I was in heaven; and the ugliest thing--my eating di