Hr W!red

Cultivating Growth Mindset In Your Workforce And Why Artisan Training Is Crucial For Economic Growth



As usual, Gavin, Sibongile, and Soji open the show with some HR updates from around Africa; we then moved to productivity/profitability on the topic 'Cultivating a growth mindset: Encouraging loyalty from a younger workforce ' our guest is Rob Jardine – Head, Research and Solutions at The NeuroLeadership Institute South Africa. On HR chat, we spoke to Mandisa Nyathikazi, Executive director of ATI on the subject of Africa’s latest scarce skills and the roles of Artisan Training Institute. Finally, of policy and compliance, we spoke to Jennifer Barkhuizen, Head of Communications for Managed Integrity Evaluation and we asked if you serving yourself and your potential employer honestly?2018 Deloitte Millennial Survey reflect a very different reality, where most companies are viewed as failing miserably at fulfilling their societal and ethical roles and are seen as being solely motivated by profit. This is quite worrying, especially as millennials are considered to be the largest generation ever to enter the workf