Vidya By Pia & Bart

40. Change



Interesting episode this, if we say so ourselves. We continue a (not recorded) conversation we had at AfrikaBurn three years ago, where we discussed stuckness and the question: How can stuckness become unstuck? Neither of us could remember the answer we had then, unfortunately. But we are having a go at it today. A part of the episode is taken up by Pia coaching Bart on changes in his life, which was very nice (thank you Pia). We (also) discuss: Fear of uncertainty, principle of impermanence, intentional experimenting, the foolishness of clinging, the distinction between moving towards and moving away from, the importance of seeking opportunities for change, the concept of life phases, the importance of solitude (internal time), and the related practices of meditation, reflection, journaling and reading and the believe that it’s ok, even desirable, to be uncomfortable and that we can learn from the negative emotions, when going through big changes. Apologies for the bad sound quality on Bart’s side.