Risen Church Nc

On Loan: Stranger In A Strange Land



Jesus instilled in the hearts and minds of the early church that the Kingdom of God was very near. We are all created by God and we are all headed back to Him. Our time on earth is just temporary. We are all like sojourners or exiles, awaiting our entrance into God's Kingdom. Our current reality is merely preparation for our eternal future. The early Christians took this framework and ran with it, and modeled their entire lives around it. The Apostle Peter wrote to the early church and couched his message and motivation around this idea of exile. He wrote that we are all strangers in a strange land, and will one day give an account for how we lived out our temporary stay. In this message, Peter calls on all of us to live each day with eternity in mind. He reaches back into the Old Testament and echoes the words of Moses, calling the people of God to consider His Will in every area of our lives. He invokes that there is a healthy sense of fear we all should possess so that we would not waste our one and only