Ccbb: Dr. Bernard Beitman, Md

CCBB: Lumari - Divine Synchronicity



Lumari is a gifted intuitive life coach, psychic consultant, channel, wisdom teacher, visionary energy master and author. For over twenty five years, she has shown clients all over the world how to celebrate their soul purpose, follow their highest destiny, fulfill their dreams and Live Inspired. Lumari’s private coaching, spiritual training, books, and meditations bring joyful awakening, profound clarity and healing to raise awareness and Divine connection.An award winning and bestselling author of numerous spiritual metaphysical and self-help books, include Alawashka, Language of Creation, Akashic Records, Collective Keepers of Divine Expression. Her latest book, Shopping For A Man:The Ultimate Woman’s Guide to Dating a Really Great Guy, winner of 5 awards, combines self discovery healing and shopping into an empowering dating book for women of all ages.