Mavericks In Motion

Changing The Label With Alvin Law



Like you, attitude expert and bestselling author Alvin Law has heard a lot of clichés about cultivating a positive attitude. But are any of them true? Does a positive attitude really guarantee success in life? Should we force ourselves to think positively, no matter what our situation? Will mantras and sound bites change how we view ourselves and the world? Or are we thinking about attitude all wrong? With over three decades of professional speaking and over five (ahem) decades of experience living life without arms, his view is radically different. Alvin’s mission is to spark a worldwide Attitude Revolution. Attitude Revolutions happen because people are inspired, from within themselves, to practice cultivating a more proactive and effective outlook on their lives. Alvin knows, and demonstrates to his audiences, that attitude is not about touchy-feely platitudes or ‘thinking positive’ - attitude is how we look at and interpret life overall. It is a skill that can be learned, and that must be practiced. It i