Mavericks In Motion

The Marketing Rebellion A Mavericks Take with Mark Schaefer



Today’s Maverick is one of my favorite authors Mark Schaefer. Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized keynote speaker, educator, business consultant, and author. His blog {grow} is hailed as one of the top marketing blogs in the world. Mark has worked in global sales, PR, and marketing positions for more than 30 years and provides consulting services as Executive Director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions.  He has advanced degrees in marketing and organizational development; holds seven patents; and is a faculty member of the graduate studies program at Rutgers University. For three years, Mark studied under the late Peter Drucker (a world-renowned consultant and author, hailed as the founder of modern management). Customized for every audience, Mark’s programs specialize in marketing strategies for content marketing, digital marketing, social media, and personal branding. Mark is the author of six best-selling marketing books: KNOWN, Social Media Explained, Return on Influence, Born to Blog, The Content Code, a