The Amanda Collins Podcast

The Benefits of Feng Shui and Geomancy with Helene Zosso Lang



Beloved, this interview will go deep into the journey of the Goddess Helene Zosso, Feng Shui Consultant who’s now found her passion with Geomancy. Helene discusses how Feng Shui has left a beautiful imprint on her and her family and how the energy in her home has shifted in many ways.  Helene has always wanted to help people and she shares how she’s helped clients with Feng Shui consultations, now Geomancy and how she’s learned to draw healthy boundaries with her clients. With Geomancy, Helene has felt a deeper connection with the earth, the land and healing in her community. Geomancy is “one level deeper” as she said, and it’s the perfect skill-partner for Feng Shui. Helene invites you to connect with the earth, connect with Spirit and take moments to connect with your Higher Self on a daily basis. I invite you to read the blog: The Interdependent Fusion between Geomancy and Feng Shui and How to Heal the Earth: An Introduction to Geomancy and Dowsing for more information on how we can experience healing i