Underdog Empowerment

Do What You Say You're Gonna Do



Today, Zach comes at you with a short but powerful message. He often sees people searching for the next best marketing hack or sales tactic, and while you should always want to sharpen your saw, he recommends another way to really set yourself apart. It’s the one thing that separates the people who dominate from the people that just get by. It’s simply doing what you say you’re going to do. Which actually isn’t always simple.  Just 20 days before Zach’s live event, his featured speaker had to cancel. Zach had to issue some refunds and scramble to put together a new lineup. It would’ve been easier to just reschedule, but Zach said he was going to do something, so he was going to do it. Staying true to his word is one of Zach’s core values, so he’ll always do it, even when it’s difficult. He’s found that the long-term gain of staying true to your word outweighs any temporary setback.  He’s also staying true to working on himself, recently adding EMDR therapy to his journey. He says it’s doing wonders with helpi