Risen Church Nc

His Body: Holy Fire - 1 Corinthians 7



The subject of sexuality and morality can easily be segmented away from our faith, and only talked about when addressing sinful lifestyles. However, in 1 Corinthians Paul addresses the Church about God's original design and desires for men and women, and how we conduct ourselves as single and married people. His aim is that the Church would model for the world what it looks like to reflect God in this area so core to our being and the very image of God. Paul is very clear, along with the rest of the Bible, that our sexuality can be a wild fire or a holy fire. If we don't involve God in our relationships and marriages, we will we drift away from His design and suffer loss spiritually and personally. Thus, the example we set for our world is no different than the mixed signals the world gives. However, if we allow our passion for God to influence and direct our passion in our relationships, we will burn bright for Him in a lost world. This will also lead to mutually healthy and beneficial relationships. Lis