Risen Church Nc

An Inescapable Calling - Isaiah 6:1-8



We all know what it's like to be called upon by someone. We also know what feels like to be called to something. Some callings seem like obligations, while others feel like opportunities. Callings can leave us with a burden, a conviction, a sense of must. They drive us with more than just a "have to", but with a "want to". As Christians, we have an inescapable calling over us all, compelling us to surrender our lives to God and voluntarily pursue His plans for our lives. The callings He places over us and plants within us are greater than the highs we get from this world, and supplant any lows we face in this world. They push us forward, pick us up, and fill us with peace. In this message, we talk about the inescapable calling over and on all of our lives as followers of Jesus. We study the life of Isaiah, and see how God got his attention when he was otherwise discouraged and distracted. Isaiah went to seek the Lord one day, mostly for comfort and consolation, but left His presence with a calling. We t