Astrologically Speaking With Sheri

JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN to learn more about the ongoing Mercury square Neptune through March 202



JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN to learn more about the ongoing Mercury square Neptune through March 2023 & the Venus/Saturn square that saw conspiracy theorist ALEX JONES hit with a major financial penalty! Will the upcoming Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse October 25 hit his Moon? We discuss that, & the long-term wounds around Chiron in Aries that may motivate women to speak out for greater equality at the polls!Plus, more Astro News You Can Use, including continued discussion of how we've now entered an intense eclipse season--one that juxtaposes speaking out & taking a stand with worrying about upsetting the applecart and losing relationships!Plus, Saturn's station direct in Aquarius October 22, which asks us to act on our change in ego perceptions through realizing what are our soul's REAL needs for security since his retrograde journey began on June 4!Listen live or later--and while there, don't forget to download your free "How To Keep Your Sun Sign Happy Advice" by renowned evolutionary astrologer Ste