Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Author Smarts: Editing and Self-Editing 10-13-2022



Author Smarts: Editing and Self-Editing What is self-editing? It’s more than just using spell check and the edit feature in your Word software. There are a variety of stages in “self-editing” before a manuscript goes to publication in this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast with host Judith Briles and her guest Carolyne Ruck. The episode starts with a simple question: What do you do when you “finish” writing your manuscript? The answer includes celebrating ... then putting your manuscript in a drawer and send your Inner Critic on a vacation for up to a month. Other takeaways include: - When you can edit yourself. - When to bring in outside editors. - Why you should be stepping away from your finished manuscript. - What you should be doing when your manuscript is in the drawer. - What are sensitivity readers and when do you use them. - Why manuscripts should be printed out. - What you do when your manuscript comes out of the drawer. - Differences in editing fiction and nonfiction