Science Drives, Wellness Steers

When Transitions Are Hard - Insight, Tips, and Reflections



When this Reel about transitions went viral, I knew we needed to dive into this topic ASAP.  There's a big misunderstanding about the root cause of transitional issues, especially in a neurodivergent population, so that's where I'll start. I'll unpack some of my favourite strategies for supporting transitions, recognizing transitional issues vs. demand avoidance issues, and understanding how to work with your child's brain (rather than against it) when it comes to both teaching new skills and following through on routine expectations. The key to successful transitions is thoroughly understanding just how many cognitive processes work together to make it happen; it won't always be easy, but you'll feel way more empowered in your ability to meet your kids' needs once you've given me just 29 minutes of your time! Love the episode? Don't forget to connect on social, rate and review on your favourite podcast platform. Your host- Alley @MagMinds Your Fav Podcast- Science Drives @sciencedrives The business behind th