Sermons By Ed

Hebrews: Faith in the Mosaic Era



“…for [Moses’] eyes were fixed on the reward” (Hebrews 11:26). We’ve come to a great transition in the Book of Hebrews as the writer moves from teaching to application. He has masterfully presented Jesus Christ’s superior ministry (6:13-10:18). Having proved that Jesus is better than any and every alternative and cautioned them against forsaking him and his followers, the writer begins this section with a stern warning: Do not sin willingly and persistently because God severely judges his New Covenant people! He then moves on to motivate them to draw near to God in enduring faith by connecting the believer’s faith to the believer’s endurance.   Ed Underwood Study Notes (Hebrews 11:23-31)Faith in the Mosaic Era!  The key Greek term hypomone, endurance (10:36; 12:1, 3), which occurs nowhere else in Hebrews, brackets the section. The Greek word pistis, faith, occurs 24 times in chapter 11, begins and ends the chapter. The refrain “by faith” emphatically teaches Christians that faith in God is essential if we wan