Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

Bonus: When You Feel Like a Weight Loss Failure



Do you ever find yourself saying, "I can't believe I'm still struggling with my weight! I should be over this by now!"? If you do, you're not the only one. That's one of the most frequent comments I hear from women about their weight. We think we should have it all together, but it's not surprising that we don't! After all, we love food. We eat for emotional reasons. And this isn't a goal we can check off our list and say, "There! That's done!" Instead, we need to keep following our boundaries day after day, month after month, and year after year. No wonder we feel like a weight loss failure at times! Here's the thing though: We're not weight loss failures. Let me say that again. We're. Not. Weight. Loss. Failures. Instead, we're people who broke our boundaries today. It's important that we make that distinction in how we talk to ourselves. Because if we're defined by failure, there's no use going on. We might as well give up right now and start eating what we want. But if we're just a person who failed at fo