

I was on the phone with a client that was in a bit of a rut with her Real Estate business. It had been a good year, yet she found herself coasting and feeling like nobody wanted anything to do with her.  “What should I do? I know I can do more? I don’t know what to do?” I think most people feel like that from time to time. When that happens to be me, I always remember two things: “What you practice in private you will be praised for in public.” “The fortune is in the follow-up.” While that sounds good, the reality is that you will be spending a lot of time alone with your thoughts and discipline, building your future while everybody else is living and having fun. And follow up?  What do I say? Who am I going to call? What if they don’t want to hear from me? Word for word, that’s what my client said. My advice was simple: “You need to stay focused on how YOU do things so that you are prepared to show up and impress, and that’s the practice part. Next, you need to start “Making The Five.”  “Making the five?” Ye