

Get the Daily Boost five days a week at Have you noticed how few things in life require absolute attention? Sure, occasionally, you will be served a little more than you think you can handle, but you always manage it. Sometimes you will worry a little more about things than you should. No matter how detailed you cook up and plan your worry in your mind, you always get through it. Does somebody looks at you the wrong way or, worse, say something that hurts your feelings? You might freak out a bit but always get back on track. Today, and nearly every day of your life, virtually everything that crosses your path will have no long-term impact on your life. It simply doesn’t matter. John C. Maxwell said it best, “You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything. In most cases, almost any reaction you have to the actions of others never amounts to anything. So, why not stop reacting like it’s important? Why not stop carrying the worry that often comes as part of the