The Tony Rossi Show

Don't "skip the suck." You get to feel your feelings



“Dealing with insecurities (even if others say “You shouldn’t feel that way…)” Welcome to Season 3! In this special edition season - you'll hear a story of a life changing traumatic injury yours truly went some lessons I learned - and what all actors can learn - in the process of setbacks and recovery… This week - we'll cover my doctor visits following a facial fracture, the fears that I had, and what actors can take away during those times you’re overcome with stress. In this episode, you'll hear...   Why asking for help is more than just about the outcome of help itself  Permission to have high standards Why not to wait for the “affordable option” (sometimes!)  Why showing up as you are - regardless of energy or motivation - can be more than enough Dealing with insecurities (even if others say “You shouldn’t feel that way…)  Reminder for those times where we’re expecting the worst  A different take on “being strong” that’s different than the one we’re taught  Tips for finding a coach (and h