Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West

Surrender Into Sacred Space Yoga Nidra – YWM 630



This gorgeous yoga nidra meditation will support you in surrendering into sacred space. It is a beautiful yoga nidra meditation that you can practice to start your day so that you inhabit your day with devotion and sacred attention. You may choose to practice in the early afternoon to support your digestion. You may choose to practice in the evening to support your sacred sleep. The yoga nidra meditation invites you into the sacred space of your body with poetry by Jeff Foster and beautiful quotes by John O’Donohue. Through breath and gently easing your awareness into your body and the sacred space all around you, I will guide you through conscious circulation through your body, contemplation of opposites and finally dropping into the liminal space of yoga nidra. May this practice support you in letting go into divine and sacred rest.