Latter Gay Stories

168: Laurie Lee Hall | From Temples to Transformation



At age five Laurie Lee Hall knew she was different, but she didn’t have words for what the “difference” was. For her, language—and better understanding wouldn’t come until many decades later. Few transgender people have had more influence on Mormonism than Laurie Lee Hall. Prior to (and sometimes during) her process of transition she served as a Bishop, Stake President, and Chief Architect for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She designed numerous temples, chapels, designed the rebuilding of the Provo City Center Temple, and the design of the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah. Did the First Presidency and other Church officials know she was transgender? Yes! And how they interacted and treated her is part of this interview. Laurie’s story is fascinating look at Mormonism, the inner workings of the church, and how honesty and authenticity create incredibly beautiful and resilient people. #LaurieLeeHall #LDSChurch #Transgender #FirstPresidency #ProvoTemple #LatterGayStories