
Choose your emergency channel



We cannot be available everywhere all the time. Sometimes, we all need to work focused without interruptions. This will paradoxically be more easily done if you make yourself reachable - not through all channels, but one specific.  In this episode, the 533rd, I share what you gain by choosing what channel you use for emergencies. Do you have any other way to resolve the conflict between being unavailable and needing to be semi-reachable? Write to me and let me know. As the influx and inflow of messages increase in number, more of us are feeling the challenge of maintaining calm in our increasingly stressful work lives. That's why I'm curious to hear about your best trick.  Sometimes at work, you need to say no. It can be hard - at least in the moment. But, it will be easier if you create templates for doing so. These episodes are also available as a weekly newsletter to your email. If you rather read than listen (or both!), sign up for a free subscription.