Nourishing The Mother

NTM 384: When you’re asked to crumble your identity and instead you’re holding on



When disconnection and discontent are your primary emotional experiences, it might be time to look at where you’re being asked to crumble your current identity…and let go of self-righteousness?In this episode we discuss:- Recognising where self-righteousness is masquerading as ‘choosing myself’ and ‘being in integrity’ - How to get back into connection with self, partner and parenting - Recognising when you’re running ‘moral high ground’ stories- Seeing the protection strategy in looking for evidence for all the ways you’re ‘right’- The inherent vulnerability in realising there’s so many ways to be right - Realising that surrounding yourself with total support creates further disconnection - Dropping into your heart and out of your head - Noticing a manic energy that ‘needs to prove something’ - Stopping the spiral of ‘You’re so…’ & ‘They’re so…’ - Recognising when your coping strategy is bringing you benefits - Noticing your physiology when you’re ‘on the hunt’ for supportTo explore feminine embodiment,