Underdog Empowerment

How to Stay on Fire and Feel Fulfillment at the Same Time



Some people will tell you that if you’re happy with where you’re at, that means you don’t have big enough dreams.  Zach is here to tell you that is not true. If we’re always looking at what's next, always moving the goal post, we’ll find ourselves anxious, on edge, and unfulfilled. That’s not good for anyone’s mental or physical health. Zach speaks from experience, as he has struggled with this for some time. It wasn’t until the end of 2021 that he decided there had to be a better way. He’s found there is a way to be happy with where you’re at right now while still maintaining goals and a drive for the future.    It starts with finding out what makes you happy. Take some time and get crystal clear on your end game, what you want your legacy to be, what you want people to remember about you after you’re gone. Now, what targets do you need to hit to get there? Develop clear and specific actions you need to take daily. What daily habits and disciplines do you need to be the person you want to be? Decide on a few