Risen Church Nc

His Body: Winsome - 1 Corinthians 9



Paul continues to detail his commitment to winning the lost to Christ, and explains what he believes is the best approach to impacting others. Rebuking those who boasted about their knowledge and rights as believers, Paul stresses his obligation and burden as a follower of Christ. Just as Christ served others and poured Himself out for them, so should we. 1 Corinthians 9 lays out a plan that has stood the test of time and proven successful across every generation. If we will put others above ourselves, and serve them in a Christ-like way, we gain the best opportunity to make a personal, powerful impact on their souls. If we are as dedicated to the Gospel as Paul was, we will adopt this same "be all things to all", "be a servant of all" posture. According to him, if we do this we stand the greatest chance to save some - perhaps even most of those God brings into our lives. The question over us remains, do we love Jesus and others to the point that we would serve them so that more might be saved? This win