Hypnosis And Nlp With Donald Currie

Episode 68 - Resolving Inner Conflict With Parts Therapy



In today's episode, we will discuss how parts therapy can be helpful in resolving inner conflict. You will also have the opportunity to experience a hypnosis session designed to cultivate harmony between the different parts of self. This may help with changing habits and behaviors. *This program is complementary to any other healing work that you are doing. It is not meant to treat or diagnose any emergency medical condition. Please check with your doctor should you have an immediate concern regarding your health and well-being. Do not listen to this program while driving, operating heavy machinery or engaging in any activity that requires conscious thought. This program is designed to induce a relaxed state. Do not listen to this program if you have been diagnosed with epilepsy, dissociative disorders or have had recent heart surgery. By consenting and listening to this recording you agree that you use the information contained herein entirely at your own discretion.*