Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

What to Do When You Stumble on Your Weight Loss Journey



Have you ever had a little stumble and felt like you ruined your whole plan; like you’ll never be able to lose that weight?If you stumbled on the sidewalk, it wouldn’t stop you from ever going for a walk again, right? So how do we take that approach to stumbling and apply it to weight loss? We all stumble physically and sometimes we stumble figuratively on our journeys to weight loss or freedom around food. In this episode, I’m teaching you how to handle a little stumble so that it doesn’t ruin your day or your plan. There’s no way you’re going to go through the process of losing weight permanently without having some stumbles, so you’re better off preparing for them than trying to pretend they’ll never happen. A little stumble is not a big deal, but it can be all too easy to turn it into a big deal in your head through the way you talk to yourself. I want to share a method for approaching those little stumbles so that you can support yourself and stop that negative self-talk. If you want to stop beating your