Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Ep #294: Medico-Legal Fears



In the United States, in particular, it’s not unusual for doctors to be aware of the legal ramifications of their actions, and in recent weeks there seems to have been an uptick in medico-legal fears among doctors. We all know there is a line between what is considered malpractice and what is not, and we all go to great lengths to ensure that we stay on the right side of that line. Despite that, many of us still struggle with the fear of potential legal recourse, and this can affect how we show up for our patients and for ourselves. In this episode, I’m sharing my thoughts on how to recognize and overcome the fears we have so that we can be the best version of ourselves. You can find show notes and more by clicking here: http://www.katrinaubellmd.com/294Give the gift of the Weight Loss for Doctors Only program: katrinaubellmd.com/gift