Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Ep #11: Justifying Going Off Your Eating Plan



There are probably several times a day when you're tempted to go off-plan. "I'm having a really hard day, so I deserve to eat something good that I hadn't planned for!" That was a common refrain for me at one point, too. In this show, I'm talking about why justifications like the above are some of the biggest obstacles to sustained weight loss and a healthy relationship with yourself. What might sound like a harmless little excuse is actually undermining your success. I also want to hear from you about the justifications you use for overeating. Sound off in the comments on my show notes page - the link is below! You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: http://www.katrinaubellmd.com/11Give the gift of the Weight Loss for Doctors Only program: katrinaubellmd.com/gift