Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Ep #10: Bringing Constraint to Your Eating



I know constraint might sound like a super restrictive concept, but it's one of the most freeing principles you can apply to your health - especially when applied to eating. Constraint is all about building boundaries inside which we can thrive and become the best versions of ourselves. Since constraint is a concept, we get to decide how we feel about it. I see constraint as bringing me peace from decision fatigue. I don't have to constantly think about what I'm eating, what I'm going to eat, how it fits into my weight loss goals, etcetera - because I only eat what I've already committed to for the day. And rather than cooking a different meal every single night, it allows us to focus on fueling our bodies with healthy foods, not entertaining ourselves with new dishes.  You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: http://www.katrinaubellmd.com/10Give the gift of the Weight Loss for Doctors Only program: katrinaubellmd.com/gift