Risen Church Nc

His Body: It Came From Within - 1 Corinthians 10



Paul appeals to the story of ancient Israel and their Exodus experience as a basis for our Christian salvation. He establishes that just as Israel came to be under God's care and firmly secured upon a new foundation, so do we have the same hope in Christ. However, just as Israel immediately drifted away from God, so must we fight the same temptation. 1 Corinthians 10 tells us that this story of Israel is an example for us to learn from so that we don't follow the same path. Paul cites the lustful desires in all of our hearts that cause us to cling to idols, which in turn lead us away from God. These idols are not external however, but internal - feelings and desires in our hearts that cause us to leave the Lord for something less than. In this message we break down these temptations that are common to us all and learn how we must guard our hearts if we are to stay in step with the Lord. There is a way for us to endure and remain under and upon God's grace and guidance, but we cannot underestimate the desi