Nourishing The Mother

NTM 386: Resenting the people we love puts us in a cage: how do we break free - Part 1



Following on from a listener’s email, we have an impromptu but revelatory conversation on the lived experience of resentment within our family systems. We explore deeply how mothers are ‘not allowed’ to have the complexities of humanity, according to the ‘perfect mother’ myth reinforced in patriarchal motherhood.In this episode we discuss:⁃ Understanding that we only know something, by knowing it’s opposite⁃ The Madonna myth⁃ Continuously measuring your mother against a self-created fantasy ideal⁃ The process that happens inside our brain of remylineating existing beliefs, which reinforces our emotional charges⁃ Understanding that we will resent them to the degree that we’re holding the fantasy ideal up on a pedestal⁃ Our neurochemical addictions to repeated family dynamics⁃ Our addiction to our current neurochemistry reinforced by our polarisations⁃ Rewiring our brain for change is hard⁃ Recognising that if you got what you wanted, there will be an equilibrating loss somewhere else⁃ Finding appreciation for