Digging For The Truth With Ark And Neo

(Facial Recognition and the Mark of the Beast) Digging for the Truth episode #24



In this episode we dig deep into what is happening in China right now and setting the stage worldwide with using facial recognition attached to a social rating system to control the what people can and cannot do. This public rating system publicly humiliates people with lower scores and restricts them from being able to have the same rights as those with high scores. What is scary is that people are embracing this because a high score means you get lots of perks and special treatment from companies and the government. We have our own version of this with the our credit scoring system but imagine a world where if you jaywalk or use too much toilet paper they post a photo of you on public humiliation screens throughout the city....this is happening right now in China! We have talked about this many times how the mark of the beast and the plans of the enemy will not be forced on anyone but implemented through countless incentives and benefits and publicly humiliation and a new cultural peer pressure that will m