Python Bytes

#311 Catching Memory Leaks with ... pytest?



Watch on YouTube About the show Python Bytes 311 Sponsored by Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub. Connect with the hosts Michael: Brian: Special guest: Murilo Cunha Michael #1: Latexify We are used to turning beautiful math into programming symbols. For example: Take this code: def do_math(a, b, c): return (-b + math.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a) Add @latexify.function decorator display do_math in a notebook Get this latex: \mathrm{do_math}(a, b, c) = \frac{-b + \sqrt{b^{{2}} - {4} a c}}{{2} a} Which renders as I could only get it to install with: pip install git+ Brian #2: prefixed From Avram Lubkin “Prefixed provides an alternative implementation of the built-in float which supports formatted output with SI (decimal) and IEC (binary) prefixes.” >>> from prefixed import Float >>> f'{Float(3250):.2h}' '3.25k' >>> '{:.2h}s