Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

Living a Life Unbinged with Kristy McCammon



When life gets stressful, do you find yourself running to food to cope? Do you find that any emotion causes you to want to eat, and to eat too much? If so, you're not alone. On today's episode of the Taste for Truth podcast (links below), I speak with Kristy McCammon, the creator of LifeUnbinged, about her struggle to break free from a life controlled by food. What We Discussed on the Podcast How sugar and white flour abstinence helped Kristy tear down the idol of food How "none is so much easier than one" Learning to sit with uncomfortable emotions How different personalities approach weight loss Victory over emotional eating always boils down to renewing our mind using a variety of tools How reaching out in times of failure can circumvent an unhealthy spiral What a life of food freedom truly looks like How viewing boundaries as "life-giving" rather than "restricting" can help us stick to them Kristy's mantra: Stop - Pray - Walk Away Resources Mentioned on the Podcast Barb's newest book: Say Goodbye to Em