Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

How to Approach Food-Centric Holidays



Do holidays make you feel out of control when it comes to food?The holidays can be a challenging time for those of us who are trying to find freedom around food and put our health first. It’s a time when there always seems to be an excess of food!This episode is all about how to approach food-centric holidays. We’re talking about the 6-8 weeks of the holiday season, but the principles from this episode could be scaled down to apply to any holiday. There are a lot of food-centric holidays throughout that year so I wanted you to have a whole episode to come back to whenever you need it. I’m sharing 5 steps you can use to approach the holidays in a way that works for you and your goals, whatever they may be. Tune in to set yourself up for success this holiday season!All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Weight Loss for Doctors Only: katrinaubellmd.com/infoLeave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6vSign up for the free training: http://katrinaubellmd.com/di