Whitcomb Ministries

An Arresting Voice



Dr. John Whitcomb helps you prepare your heart for Christmas this week on -Encounter God's Truth- as we begin a four-part series on the -Voices of the Christmas Prophets.---Our teacher begins with one of the greatest prophecies of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. This is Isaiah's wonderful, detailed, eloquent promise of the virgin birth of Christ.--Following today's teaching, host Wayne Shepherd asks Dr. Whitcomb to explain more about the person of Jesus' mother Mary-a woman we do not want to worship, but from whom we can learn so much.--God's Word is true from the beginning to the end-including its teaching about Christmas. We trust that your Christmas season will be enriched by the special programs we have prepared here on -Encounter God's Truth.- We hope that they will cause you to grow both in your understanding and in your love for the Savior we celebrate.