French Blabla

A day in French - 45 - Cleaning



Aujourd’hui on va parler d’une de mes découvertes qui a changé ma vie quotidienne. Je suis sûre que beaucoup d’entre vous vont me dire “mieux vaut tard que jamais”, better late than never if we say it in English. Yes, I’m always a late bloomer. This episode is a direct request from Eric. He joined the Christmas Postcard exchange and asked for more beginner episodes. If you’d like to review your present tense and your object pronouns (le - la - les) while learning new vocabulary to talk about your house cleaning habits, then stay tuned. If you’re intermediate, don’t skip this episode because I have some colourful phrases for you that are natural, casual and especially will make you sound like a native. You’ll find everything in the study guide. Simply click on the link below to get your hands on the transcription, the vocabulary and the grammar focus.   Useful Episode Resources Grab today's goodie here.     FREE audio training to help you understand spoken French Want to understand when French people speak? So