Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

How to Protect Your Book from Pirates & Theft12-15-2022



Woot ... this was the #3 most downloaded and listened to episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing with over 150,000 downloads. It's all about book theft and protection. Judith's Truthiness: you need author protection ... a nosey author is kryptonite to any book thief. Cheryl Obermiller, author of FraudPoints joins AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing host Dr. Judith Briles for an eye ... and ear ... opening podcast. Takeaways include: • Why authors must think like a thief does. • Steps to take when piracy occurs. • How to follow your book title online. • 4 things to do every day to protect you and your book. • What is copyright infringement? • Tips for authors to take immediately when piracy occurs. • What to do with Amazon if your book is stolen by pirates and thieves. • Why and why to register with the US Copyright office. And, of course, much more. Listen in ... this is a podcast for authors you can't afford to miss. Remember: a nosey author is kryptonite to a book thief. If you don’t