Digging For The Truth With Ark And Neo

(David and Goliath and the 5 smooth stones) #11 Digging for the Truth with Ark and Neo 8/2/14



PODCAST #11 DAVID AND GOLIATH AND THE 5 SMOOTH STONES Most people have heard the story of David and Goliath but few have heard the true details of his brothers and all the other giants described in detail in the Bible and other historical accounts. Why does the Bible describe the detail that David picked up 5 smooth stones to fight Goliath? The Bible and other ancient accounts tell the names and accounts of all his brothers and that they were also giants. Did David also intend to kill them as well that day when he picked up 5 stones? Where they true remnants of the fallen angels and the nephilim interbreeding with humans or were these just big dudes who had problems with their pituitary glands? Let's dig deep and find out! Archaeologists have found gigantic spearheads made of both stone and metal up to 26 inches long and weighing up to 4.5 pounds that seem to confirm the existence of gigantic humans from 10 to 15 foot tall or larger living on the earth in ancient times. http://rephaim23.wordpress.com/2