Digging For The Truth With Ark And Neo

(Amazing! Testimony and interview exploring the spiritual roots of DMT) #10 BONUS EPISODE!! Digging for the Truth with Ark and Neo 7/10/14



PODCAST #10 AMAZING TESTIMONY AND INTERVIEW EXPLORING THE SPIRITUAL ROOTS OF DMT This is a special BONUS EPISODE with Arkalogik and his friend Lance Hardcore aka ReptileAfterbirth from the The Reptile Chat Show. Join us for this absolutely mind blowing, one on one interview. You will hear one of the most incredible testimonies and first hand accounts with DMT and how it connects people to deceiving familiar spirits. Lance explains his spiritual journey up to this point and how taking DMT changed him and transported him to interdimensional worlds. While on these journeys he interacted with mischievous spiritual entities that continuously changed their appearance and showed him some very odd and scary things. He goes in depth about meeting a red dragon face to face among other beings and how he feels through subtle means, these spirits have tried to keep him from fully embracing Jesus Christ. He also goes into how DMT opened some sort of gateway to which these entities now occasionally try to torment him