Digging For The Truth With Ark And Neo

(DMT, the pineal gland and the spiritual connections to pharmakia) #9 Digging for the truth with Ark and Neo 7/4/14



PODCAST #9 DMT, THE PINEAL GLAND AND THE SPIRITUAL CONNECTION What do drugs and chemicals have to do with the spirit realm and how does the use of DMT and Ayahuasca and other hallucinogenic drugs seem to open a person up to other dimensions and bridge the gap between these two worlds? Why have these DMT and Ayahuasca journeys become so popular over the last few years and who or what is behind these things? In this episode we explore this very interesting subject and look into the history of it and it's effects and how it may interconnect with the fallen angels and the original sin. Upon further research I even discovered how this may be talked about in the Bible when Jacob wrestles with God. This may be pure speculation but I thought it was worth looking into more. Genesis 32:29 And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there. 30 And Jacob called the name of the place PENIEL: for I have seen God face t