Father And Joe

Father and Joe E288: Relationships As A Part Our Professional Goals



As we all look forward to the New Year, most companies have goal setting workshops. Normally these goals focus primarily upon the economic targets. However, having recently participated in one such workshop it was particularly amazing how people are incorporating relationships into our lives. We also discuss how counterproductive micro-managing people is. We also take a look at what problems we pass to the next generation just by our personal selections.The podcast Father and Joe brings us, as individuals, closer to the Holy Spirit and His Church.Seek Peace. Be Open to God and Love. Learn from Your Sufferings. Thank you for listening.FatherAndJoe@gmail.comAlso you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoeCatholic, Church, God, Life, Jesus, Benedictine Monk, Relationships, Family, Love, micro-managing, Relationship, Goals,