Selling Your Books Online



Anyone can get a book published. The trick is in getting it discovered and sold... This podcast has a running battle with the "conventional wisdom" being spread that keeps Indie authors from earning the income they should by self-publishing.


  • Courses – The Final Frontier of Book Publishing

    24/06/2021 Duración: 11min

    Courses – The Final Frontier of Book Publishing To boldly publish where few authors have gone before… Most people have heard and swallowed the hype that ebooks are all there is to self-publishing, that making 6-figures with a few Kindle ebooks is the trophy every player wants to walk away with. Unfortunately, that’s all but [...]

  • Self-Publishing Secrets Every Author Should Know

    08/07/2019 Duración: 08min

    Self-Publishing Secrets Every Author Should Know I stumbled across these while researching and testing. I haven’t seen them anywhere else, and they they are extremely practical ideas. First, You Have to Change Your Thinking 1. Authors are Producers. They generate “books-as-containers,” creating all possible versions of that title. Leverage is in multiple versions, as well [...]

  • Is it Time for Authors to Speak Up and Sell More?

    21/01/2019 Duración: 06min

    Download audio. The more authors get their content out to more people, the better chance they have of discovery. The more discovery, the better the book sales. I’ve long said that any author could and every author should “write once, publish to as many places, in as many formats as possible.” This is known as [...]

  • When Your Case Study Becomes the Next Case Study (11)

    14/01/2019 Duración: 05min

    Download this audio. This could have happened to you – or maybe not. The scene was this: I was listening to some podcasts while working (as radio these days is nearly as bad as the TV news) and got inspired to use this fancy mic I had gotten a few months back. It would be [...]

  • 6 Simple Steps That Guarantee Your Publishing Success

    07/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    Hello again, I actually had a rant ready to spring on you, but decided against it. This is the holidays after all. And it goes against my grain to simply diss someone for acting stupid and selfishly. (Well, most of the time.) So, that we will leave for another day. I did find a great nugget [...]

  • Story Grid Battles Muse – and Lessons from Cows

    23/12/2018 Duración: 07min

    Download this podcast. How Story Grid fights with your muse and upsets a perfectly good draft (while cows give life lessons…) This episode was extracted from a Mastermind group I participated in yesterday. It says everything about what I’ve been going through lately in building a new book. The inspirations are constantly giving new ideas [...]

  • Playing the Long Game to Win at Life and Self-Publishing

    11/11/2018 Duración: 08min

    Playing the Long Game to Win at Life and Self-Publishing …isn’t that hard, but it seems to be a skill to master that isn’t commonly taught Hi there , This week brought to view the fact that 98% of us don’t choose to set goals, and if we do, don’t write them down. But this [...]

  • 4 Simple Author Models to Use For Your Ultimate Success

    28/10/2018 Duración: 09min

    (Download this audio – Click here.) There are four basic journey-choices you can make to get all the success you want as an author. Some of these are known, some can be observed. At least one isn’t obvious at all. That last one only came up recently in trying to explain some mystery successes I’d [...]

  • Exploding Sales Funnel Fraud

    30/09/2018 Duración: 09min

    How to Resolve and Expand Your Audience Out Of Trust The core value any online commerce runs on is trust. Yet business schools don t teach this. They are instead given all sorts of models to use which take them away from why they are there to begin with. A business is a ongoing exchange of [...]

  • How to Shift into Online Business Gears You Probably Don’t Know Exist

    16/09/2018 Duración: 10min

    How to Shift into Online Business Gears You Probably Don’t Know Exist Imagine that you had a car that only had two speeds – reverse, and low. Wouldn’t that be frustrating? You’d probably be able to go faster backwards than you could forwards. Yet this is the scene that most businesses have. Because people aren’t [...]

  • Trolls and Bullies, in the Kindle Author Graveyard

    15/09/2018 Duración: 13min

    Would you believe me if I said I had proof of Amazon KDP being a bully? How about that they are trolls as well? Well, it happened to me like this: I had a book up which got a DMCA complaint that wouldn’t resolve. You see, you can use DMCA to complain about someone else’s [...]

  • How to Write Less and Profit More: A Rich Adventure In Short Read Kindle Publishing

    02/09/2018 Duración: 22min

    Can you actually write less and profit more? Introduction Deep in the heart of the ever-growing Amazon Kindle jungle, there’s a profitable under-served market which is not easily discovered. It sits in a clearing by itself, much like a massive stone temple rising above the forest. A temple with some gold-filled rooms. Just my kind [...]

  • The Beginner’s Book Launch – How to Survive and Prosper

    19/08/2018 Duración: 14min

    The Beginner’s Book Launch – How to Survive and Prosper It’s time I collated all the material on book launches to sort out how to do this and give myself a plan I can follow. The biggest problem with book launches is that they are either undocumented at the beginning stages, or don’t really tell [...]

  • Beyond the eBook: More, Bigger Self-Publishing Profits

    05/08/2018 Duración: 14min

    Missed Profits Following Conventional Wisdom Conventional Wisdom (which is usually 95% wrong) says you should be happy with your ebooks and how they are selling. The problem with that logic is that the biggest sellers aren’t doing that. The biggest sellers make more income from hardcopy sales than ebooks. Traditional publishers know this, even though [...]