New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 5:32:08
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The New Thinking New Power Podcast is a weekly discussion of all things related to reconstructing your thoughts so you can attract the life you desire. Dr. Paula offers practical tools and strategies to improve your well-being and productivity.


  • Back to School: Part 4 - Do Your Homework

    27/08/2018 Duración: 07min

    This is the last episode of a 4-part series called BACK TO SCHOOL.  In this episode, I discuss the importance of doing your homework.   In the classroom of life, there are certain lessons that life presents to us, but often time, we fail to learn the lesson because we don’t do our homework.  In other words, we fail to reinforce the lesson that life is trying to teach us.     #1 - Accept that this is a process. Accept that this is a process.  Success does not happen overnight.  You’re not in one grade for one day, so don’t expect to master all of life’s lessons in one day.   #2 -  There should be no disturbances during homework.  New research shows distractions affect the way people learn, which makes what you DO learn harder to use later on.  When you’re working on yourself, do it with conviction.  Stay away from things that would generally interrupt your time.  #3 -  Get a tutor to help you with your homework.   If there is a particular subject or a particular area in your life where you need some assistance

  • Back to School: Part 3 - Working in Study Groups

    21/08/2018 Duración: 07min

    This is the 3rd episode of a 4-part series called BACK TO SCHOOL.  In this episode, I discuss WORKING IN STUDY GROUPS.   You see, in this classroom called life, we have classmates, and our classmates can either propel us to greatness or hinder us from doing well.  This week, I would like to offer 3 rules of participating in study groups of life.   1st Rule: Choose study partners who will stretch you, not break you.    It’s very important that you are intentional about the people you decide to form new relationships with and these people should inspire you to stretch and grow.   If you find yourself surrounded by people who don’t push you to be your greater self, they are making you stagnant, and ultimately breaking you from your achieving your best life.   2nd Rule:  Establish some healthy boundaries with your study group. Establishing healthy boundaries is good for any team.  It’s an agreement, if you will, that are put in place to ensure that your goals are accomplished.  Boundaries help maintain peace and

  • Back to School - Part 2 - Taking Good Notes

    13/08/2018 Duración: 08min

    This is the 2nd episode of a 4-part series called BACK TO SCHOOL.  In this episode, I talk about TAKING NOTES as a good study habit.  But what does taking notes look like when it comes to our lives? Here are three practices of good note taking for your lives:  The first art of note taking you can practice is writing about your future goals.  Imagine your best, possible life that you desire, write about that life you desire in the PRESENT tense. Be as specific and vivid as possible.   The next art of note taking is to plan your time to take notes and be consistent.  it’s not a matter of how much or how often you should write, what matters is that your CONSISTENT.  Successful people schedule specific times throughout the week when they are going to write -- and then they stick with their schedule. Writing at specific times and specific days help you develop self-control and to be more intentional about your life.  The final art of note taking is to write in the mindset of gratitude.  Practice The Three Blessing

  • Back to School: Part 1 - Getting Your School Supplies

    06/08/2018 Duración: 11min

    This is the 1st of a  4-part series called BACK TO SCHOOL.  In this series, I discuss the various strategies you need to be successful in life's classroom.   Let me give you your list of school supplies to pick up so you can be successful in this classroom of life. Have you ever heard of the old saying the 3 R’s of learning? Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic?  These are the areas on which we are going to get our school supplies. 1st Principle: READING There are so many benefits from reading!  And if you really want the life that you desire? You’re gonna have to do what it takes to LEARN about the life you desire.  So READ!!!! Even if it’s a page a day, you owe it to your overall wellbeing, and your overall success if you would READ! 2nd Principle: WRITING Study after study shows you will remember things better when you write them down. Studies show that  that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a regular basis. 3rd Principle: ARITHMETIC With achieving you

  • Refresh Yourself

    09/07/2018 Duración: 08min

    This is a great time of year for a mid-year checkup, to REFRESH YOURSELF.  When you refresh something, you’re enhancing something you already have. You are giving new strength to it.  So, now that you’ve reset yourself, let’s refresh ourselves to move forward. 1st Principle: Realize that you have the capability to achieve astounding success. Think about one goal that you set for yourself for this year.  Resist the temptation to just breeze by your milestones without acknowledging what it took for you to achieve them. You’ve likely done a lot in the past six months, whether it’s personally or professionally. Remember that micro wins lead to macro wins.  2nd Principle: Understand who you are and who you are becoming in the PROCESS of achieving your goals. When you take the time to reflect, and be mindful, you learn more about yourself. Even if you have not made the progress you would’ve liked to made towards your goals, I’m sure you have learned lessons you would not learn otherwise. And you know what? Those le

  • Time to Reset

    02/07/2018 Duración: 10min

    How do you know when it's TIME to reset?  In this episode, I give you 3 signs when it's time to press that reset button. Reason #1: It’s time to reset because you’ve realized that you’ve lost your passion for the goal you initially wanted to achieve. Remember, when you’ve lost your PASSION for something, your commitment level decreases.  Be honest with yourself.  Maybe it’s time to reset your purpose and your goals because you’ve lost passion.   Reason #2:  It’s time to reset when your actions are counteractive to your overall goal. In other words, if you have developed a behavior that is not helping you reach your ultimate purpose, you need to reset your life.  Ask yourself this question, what am I doing that’s pulling me further away from achieving my goal? Than ask yourself this, what can I do to change that behavior?  Reason #3: It's time to reset when you‘re not in harmony with yourself and others. This usually takes place when you’ve isolated yourself either physically, mentally, or emotionally from oth

  • Episode 21 - Reflect to Reset (Part 1)

    04/06/2018 Duración: 10min

    For this podcast, I share with you 3 main principles for you to REFLECT to RESET.  My principles are based on the principles used by Master Coaches Jacqui Phillips and Karl Romain.  Apply these principles to where you are on your journey of success.  Apply them to reset your life for long-lasting and positive change.   Principle #1: ACCEPTANCE In order to reset your life you must ACCEPT the truth about yourself, particularly in the areas in your life that need a rest.  For instance,  are you a procrastinator when it comes to putting things in place for yourself? Or, are you a perpetual “quitter”? Meaning, you start projects, but you never complete them.  Perhaps you’re one of those who NEVER take time for self-care.   What are some goal hindering areas in your life do you need accept?After you have accepted whatever that area is, address it and start making improvement.   Principle #2: ACTION Those of you who know me, know that I teach ACTION!!!! Remember the scripture faith without works is dead? There’s ano

  • Episode 20 - Pruning to Spring Forth

    21/05/2018 Duración: 11min

    Episode 20 "Pruning to Spring" is the 3rd part of the SPRING FORTH - DO SOMETHING NEW series.   Just as it is healthy to prune shrubs and trees so that they may grow, we also need to prune areas in our lives so that we can make way for new ideas and fuller growth. In this episode, I offer you 3 rules of pruning and how you can apply these rules to your life.  Rule #1 - You should prune to improve your appearance and overall landscaping. Do you have anything or anyone who’s a part of the landscape of your life that ‘s hindering your growth in any way? What about undesirable structures that take away from the appearance. Are you ready to take a step in pruning that person or area? Rule #2 - The timing of when you prune is EXTREMELY important. There are times when it seems like absolutely no growth is going on in our lives. This is actually the perfect time to take a look at your surroundings and your inner circle to determine who and what needs to be cut off.  Rule #3  You must use the right tools for pruning. 

  • Episode 19 - Create a New Community

    14/05/2018 Duración: 09min

    Episode 19 "Create a New Community" is the 2nd part of the SPRING FORTH - DO SOMETHING NEW series. In this episode, I offer you the suggestion of creating a new community when you don't quite know WHAT new thing to do. In an earlier podcast, I stated that when you look at the quality of your current situation and don’t quite like what you like – you need to try something new.  Let me give you a suggestion of what new thing you can do to improve the quality of your situation.  CREATE A NEW COMMUNITY!!  That’s right, create a new community!   I didn’t say dump your old friends for new ones. I mean find someone, someone new, or maybe a few NEW people who are like-minded, who are forward-thinking, people who are aligned with your goals and aspirations.  When you connect with someone new for the purpose of propelling your life forward, here’s what happens, you will begin to see, hear, and experience new ideas, new achievements, and new success.   Make sure you follow me on social media: Instagram: @drpaulacoach Fa

  • Episode 18 - No More Excuses

    07/05/2018 Duración: 13min

    Episode 18 "No More Excuses" is the 1st part of the SPRING FORTH - DO SOMETHING NEW series. In this episode, I discuss 3 reasons why we use excuses to keep us from trying something new. Reason #1-  We haven’t made what we REALLY want, a priority.   If you want to see a shift in your life from being stuck to experiencing authentic happiness and fulfilling success?  You have to get to a place of doing something new.  But don’t just SAY you’re going to do something make it a PRIORITY in your life.  The things in your life that you make a priority are the things that you do not make excuses for it.  Reason #2 -  Ee fear failure and it’s difficult to accept responsibility when we fail.   I honestly believe that our culture doesn’t really teach us to be comfortable with failing. In fact, many of us fear failure! Failing is part of the process of trying new things.  However, when we DO fail, we tend to blame other people and/or elements as the reasons behind our failures. Reason #3 -  We lack the discipline to stick

  • Episode 17 Growing Into Something New

    30/04/2018 Duración: 09min

    Episode 17 is the 4th part of the GROWTH MINDSET series. Have you been thinking about doing something different, something new? For this week's episode, I offer to discuss how having a GROWTH MINDSET makes it possible for you to SPRING FORTH and DO SOMETHING NEW! Ask yourself these questions. What area do you need to develop in your life today in order to do something new? Do you need to develop your creativity? Do you need more courage? Do you need to increase your commitment levels? Maybe you need a coach! (*wink-wink)  One of the traits that successful and happy people have in common is that they escape the STUCK TRAP by taking risks and doing new things.   Ten years from now, or maybe even 5 years from now, what will you wish you had done during THIS period of your life or your career? Now, what is the ONE thing you can do to take a step in the direction of doing that something new? Don’t wait, go for it!   Make sure you follow me on social media: Instagram: @drpaulacoach Facebook: @drpaulacoach

  • Episode 16: Bloom Where You Planted

    23/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    Episode 16 is the 3rd part of the GROWTH MINDSET series. For this week's episode, I offer ways that you can flourish in your current condition, even if it is not your ideal situation.   Strategy #1: Examine your character. Our character is the aggregate of who we are; thoughts, feelings, and behaviors it’s “what’s inside every one of us.” A great resource for discovering your strengths is the Character Strengths Survey. Take this survey, and once you’ve pinpointed your strengths, think about how you can use them to the best of your ability. This way you can spend less time dwelling on the things you don’t like about yourself and more time living a fulfilling life by emphasizing the parts that you do like. Strategy #2:  Be adaptable. What makes us adaptable?  One primary way of becoming more adaptable is to improve your coping mechanism.  Your coping mechanism is what you usually think or how you usually react in the face of stress or trauma to help manage difficult emotions.  Many of us start whining or compl

  • Episode 15 - Resilience

    09/04/2018 Duración: 13min

    Episode 15 is the second of the 4-part series on A GROWTH MINDSET. For this week's episode, I discuss RESILIENCE.   Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks.  It is also the ability to thrive, grow and be effective in the face of adversity, challenges and change. People who have a growth mindset possess the trait of resilience.  Resilient people think differently. Resilience can be learned because resilience is primarily about how you think. The interesting thing about resilience is this… EVERYBODY needs it.  Whether you are dealing with bad traffic, or a major challenge such as a negative health diagnosis, job loss, divorce or financial setback. You need resilience! Because you know what? Stress, challenges, and adversity are inevitable.  As I said earlier, resilience is primarily about HOW you think! This is what psychologist call building your self-awareness.  And the best way of building self-awareness is by taking time to notice your thoughts.  If you can be aware of your thoughts, you can

  • Episode 14 Growth Mindset

    02/04/2018 Duración: 09min

    For this week’s episode, I discuss the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.  I also offer three practices that you can implement to develop a growth mindset. Let go of perfection! Valorie Burton says fear uses perfection as an excuse for remaining stuck!  You see, perfection and procrastination are relatives.  We often procrastinate because we are not in the perfect situation or we may feel inadequate for the task at hand.  What do you keep putting off because the circumstances aren’t what YOU think they should be.  Give yourself permission to make mistakes, and to LEARN from those mistakes so you can move forward. Be open to learning something new! A fixed mindset literally switches us off to learning.  In contrast, the growth mindset means that you realize the importance of remaining open to new experiences and information.  Have you been putting off learning a new skill or a new practice to help you especially one that will help you fulfill a goal? Failure isn’t final!Avoid the fix

  • Episode 13: Letting Go of Control

    26/03/2018 Duración: 11min

    Episode 13 is the last of the 4-part series on LETTING GO.  For this week’s episode, I discuss "Letting Go of Control" by offering you three strategies that you can implement to live a life that’s simpler, healthier, and happier...   Examine your own actions.  Do you have a tendency to micromanage? If so, What are some reasons behind your micromanagement? Do you not trust others to take responsibility of a specific task? What do you fear if you let go of controlling certain aspects of your relationships or career? Take a moment in your quiet space and time and answer these questions truthfully. I’m sure your answers will shed some light on what you really fear. Spend more time focusing on the areas where you DO have control.  Remember earlier we discussed those areas, your health, attitude, your mental and emotional well-being?  What would your life look like if you devoted more time to your health, mental, and emotional well-being, instead of spending more time TRYING to control other people’s behaviors an

  • Episode 12: Letting Go of Toxic People

    19/03/2018 Duración: 11min

    This week's episode is the third of the 4-part series on LETTING GO.  For this week's episode, I discuss "Letting Go of Toxic People." How do you know if you are in a relationship with a toxic person? Look for these three common traits: Toxic people are manipulative.  Toxic people rarely take responsibility for their own negative behavior.  Toxic people are rarely supportive and interested in other people's goals and dreams. After hearing the three common traits of toxic people, do you find yourself in some kind of relationship with a toxic person?   Sometimes, letting go of toxic people means that you’re actually letting go of their BEHAVIOR, not necessarily letting them go as human beings. Let’s face it, there are people in our lives that we can’t literally “let go” because of the role they have in our lives.  For many of us, it’s a family member, a colleague, or co-worker.   Maybe you have toxic people in your lives that you just can’t let them go, but you can let go of their toxic behavior.  You do this

  • Episode 11: Letting Go of Your Old Story

    13/03/2018 Duración: 13min

    This week's episode is the second of the 4-part series on LETTING GO.  For this week’s episode, I discuss "Letting Go of Your Old Story" by offering you a template for rewriting your own story.   First, give yourself the starring role, not as a victim, but as an overcomer.  Do not make the villains the centerpiece of your story. Next, choose a cast and crew.  Choose people who bring out the best in you.  Choose someone who stretches you and challenges you to do better.  Choose someone where service is reciprocated and is not one sided.  Finally, practice telling this story, first with yourself and then to others.     In the words of Steve Maraboli: Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.  Make sure you follow me on social media: Instagram: @drpaulacoach Facebook: @drpaulacoach  

  • Episode 10: Letting Go of Negative Emotions

    05/03/2018 Duración: 14min

    What does your happiness have to do with success? Here’s a fact: Research shows happiness causes success, not the other way around. This week's episode is the first of the 4-part series on LETTING GO.  For this week’s episode, I discuss 3 common negative emotions - anger, fear, & guilt/shame and possible messages they send.  I then offer you questions of self-reflection so that you can take steps to move forward. 1. Negative Emotion: ANGER Possible Message: Someone crossed your boundary. Questions of Self-Reflection: What can I do to move on from my anger? What could I do differently to reduce the chance of this happening again? 2. Negative Emotion: FEAR Possible Message: I may be focused more on the potential for a negative outcome than a positive outcome. Questions of Self-Reflection: What if my fear came true? How would I overcome it? 3. Negative Emotion: GUILT and/or SHAME Possible Messages: I have done something that is out of alignment with my values and beliefs. Or, I am allowing past actions or ex

  • Episode 9: Sustaining Your Happiness

    26/02/2018 Duración: 11min

    What does your happiness have to do with success? Here’s a fact: Research shows happiness causes success, not the other way around. This week's episode is the fourth of the 4-part series of LOVE AND HAPPINESS. I’ve entitled this podcast “Sustaining and Maintaining Your Happiness”. For this week’s episode, I give you 5 practices you should implement to KEEP your happiness. Spend your resources on activities that produce positive emotions.You see, we gain the most happiness from experiences that create specific positive emotions:  joy, delight, contentment, peace, enthusiasm, curiosity, vitality, pride, interest, thrill, and even connection. Don’t become mundane and predictable in your happiness habits. This is why changing your circumstances (10%) is ineffective for sustainable happiness. By nature, we adapt to our routines, so we have to change even when our circumstances don’t.  Periodically tap into a social support system that will hold you accountable and support you towards your happiness goals. Peopl

  • Episode 8: Happy Habits

    19/02/2018 Duración: 13min

    The New Thinking New Power Podcast is a weekly chat with Dr. Paula, a certified life and executive coach in Atlanta, Georgia, where she discusses all things related to reconstructing your thoughts so you can attract success, happiness, and more importantly, the life you desire. This week's episode is the third of a 4-part series of LOVE AND HAPPINESS.  I've entitled this podcast "Happy Habits".   What does your happiness have to do with success? Here’s a fact: Research shows happiness causes success, not the other way around.     For this week’s episode, I give you 5 habits for developing authentic happiness.   Habit #1: Develop a habit of positive thinking. What is a more optimistic way of looking at your current situation?   Habit #2: Develop healthy social connections.  How connected do you feel to those who support you most?   Habit #3: Manage the negative occurrences.  What do you need to do to relieve your stress and anxiety levels in a healthy way?  Habit #4: Live in the moment.  Do you take time to

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