Marriage University With Tina Haisman

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 25:37:10
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Helping Women Create More Happiness in Life and Marriage


  • Why You Should go on that Trip with Your Husband

    13/06/2023 Duración: 14min

    I just got back from a trip to Australia with my husband. He was scheduled to go there on business, so I decided to join him at the end of the business trip so we could do some exploring together. This was a really difficult decision for me to make on so many levels. I tend to be very practical and sensible, and going on this trip seemed a bit crazy. But I made the decision to go anyway and saw such amazing benefits. I want to share that with you in hopes it inspires you. If you tune into this episode of the podcast you’ll get to hear a little bit about the things we did on our trip and how it impacted us and our marriage. Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE! For more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community!

  • How to Have a Better Marriage

    01/11/2022 Duración: 17min

    My client Katie’s husband ditched her on date night. She was hurt and angry. She wanted to talk with him about it, but she knew it wouldn’t do any good coming from a place of anger and frustration. But she couldn’t let it go. So we worked together to create the mental space for her to have that meaningful conversation with him, and as a result, they could both walk away from the experience as a bonding opportunity, instead of a damaging one. Tune in to learn how you can apply this tool to your marriage for more peace, understanding and intimacy. If you want more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community! Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE!

  • Why You Shouldn’t Help Your Husband Solve His Problems

    25/10/2022 Duración: 12min

    Have you ever noticed a negative reaction from your husband after giving him advice or telling him how he should do something? Are you confused by this negative reaction, when all you are trying to do is help? I was too! That’s why I wrote this podcast for you. I’ll share a personal story and a better way to help your husband that will create more  connection instead of conflict. If you would like more inspiration, download my Ultimate Guide to Guilt-Free Self-Care HERE! And join us in the Life Designed Community on Facebook!

  • How to Identify and Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs

    18/10/2022 Duración: 17min

    Have you ever struggled with thinking you're not a good mom ... or you're not likeable ... or you're not fun? Me too. Those are negative beliefs -- sometimes called limiting beliefs -- and they keep you stuck right where you are at. What we don't realize is we think these negative thoughts so often that we eventually just take them as truth. But what if these are truths we don't want to believe? Or truths that are not serving us? Then those thoughts have got to go! So, I am doing this podcast about limiting beliefs as much for me as for you. I want to help demystify this whole limiting belief thing. My hope is to break the concept down simply and give you 3 easy steps to rid yourself of beliefs that are keeping you from the life you want. I hope you’ll tune in! If you would like more inspiration, download my Ultimate Guide to Guilt-Free Self-Care HERE! And join us in the Life Designed Community on Facebook!

  • Why You Aren’t Happier ... And How You Can Be

    11/10/2022 Duración: 15min

    Have you ever wondered why you aren’t happier? From the outside it seems like your life should be great, but on the inside, you’re just not feeling that happy. There could be a very sneaky reason for it! But don't worry! There's something you can do about it. In this week’s podcast, I will tell you what this sneaky happiness stealer is, then share with you five simple ways you can feel happier! I also have a free download for you today that will help you feel happier. It’s a FREE Daily Gratitude Journal. Download it HERE!  Join us in the private Life Designed Community on Facebook!

  • Why You Should Prepare for an Empty Nest While Your Kids are Young

    04/10/2022 Duración: 13min

    In this episode of the podcast I will share with you why you should prepare for an empty nest while your kids are young. This topic is important because many people wake up at the end of their child-rearing years in an identity crisis. I don’t want that to happen to you. So, today I will share with you some super-fun things that my husband and I have been doing to inspire and encourage you. If you would like more inspiration, download my Ultimate Guide to Guilt-Free Self-Care HERE! And join us in the Life Designed Community on Facebook!

  • How to Get Your Children to Help with the Chores

    08/06/2022 Duración: 16min

    Now that summer is upon us and our children will be home more often, I thought it would be a good time to talk about getting some much needed help around the house. I’ll share with you some ideas of what chores children can do at what age and give you some tips on organizing them and getting them done!  Hang in there, mamma! Help is on the way! If you want more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community! Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE!

  • How to Get Your Point Across Without Shutting Your Husband Down

    26/05/2022 Duración: 16min

    Have you ever felt like your husband doesn’t listen to you? I think many of us have at one time or another. What we might not realize is that we are the ones causing that to happen by how we approach conversations. So, in this week’s podcast, I will share a personal story and a simple tool to help you communicate with your husband so he listens to you. If you want more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community! Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE!

  • How Not to Absorb Your Husband’s Anger

    18/05/2022 Duración: 15min

    When your husband yells at you, do you feel it inside your body? Does it cause your muscles to tense up? Does it make you angry, too? Does it ever cause you to yell back at him? I’ve been there, and so have many of my clients, so in this week’s podcast I will share with you very practical techniques that you can use to not absorb your husband’s emotion of anger. In fact, I’ll help you use the situation to create more connection in your relationship, instead of disconnect. If you want more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community! Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE!

  • How to Stop Fighting with Your Spouse

    11/05/2022 Duración: 16min

    Are you tired of fighting with your spouse? Do you wish you knew how to stop? Do you wish you knew how the two of you could get along better? You’re not alone, and that’s why I’m sharing some ideas with you today. Tune in to this episode where I will give you three tips on how to stop fighting with your spouse. If you want more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community! Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE!

  • What to do When You are Angry

    04/05/2022 Duración: 13min

    Sometime before 10 a.m. on Mother’s Day 2020 I realized my family had not made any plans for the day. The kids were still sleeping and missed breakfast and Mass. I was upset. In this episode of the podcast I am going to share with you what I did to handle my emotions that day and how my coach taught me to honor myself for my feelings and let the anger go, so I didn’t ruin the entire day.  If you want more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community! Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE!

  • How to Get Out of a Negative Thinking Pattern

    27/04/2022 Duración: 16min

    I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get stuck in negative thinking patterns. Say, your husband does something that bothers you, and you keep ruminating on it and thinking about it and have trouble letting it go. I’ve learned to notice these negative patterns and pull myself out of them, and I’d like to help you do the same thing. So, on today's podcast, I thought I’d share a time with you when I got stuck in a negative thinking pattern and show you how I got out of it. If you want more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community! Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE!

  • What Husbands Need Most from the Woman They Love

    20/04/2022 Duración: 13min

    Both men and women desire respect, but many men say they need it like they need oxygen. The problem is this: women don’t know what respect looks like to a man. They think they are being respectful. So, in this episode, I’m going to lay it out for you and show you exactly what it is that makes our husbands feel disrespected. And, I will show you how to make some subtle changes that will create more connection and less conflict in your marriage. If you want more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community! Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE!

  • How Expectations are Killing the Intimacy in Your Marriage

    13/04/2022 Duración: 17min

    I was slamming toys into the toy box that night. That’s how angry I was that I came home to a messy house after a girls night out. What was the problem? The problem was that I had an expectation that the house would be clean when I came home, but it was not. This episode of the podcast will look at how unmet expectations can kill the intimacy in your marriage and what you can do about it. In the episode I mentioned another podcast about having difficult conversations. You can find it here. If you want more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community! Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE!

  • Why It’s Important to Take Care of Yourself

    06/04/2022 Duración: 15min

    Being a mother is constant. It never stops. There is more written on each one of our daily “to do” lists than is humanly possible to achieve; and as if that’s not frustrating enough, we’re supposed to make motherhood look easy and show up to every function smiling and looking like beauty queens. But, how is all of this possible with the full lives we already lead? Where are we supposed to find the time and energy to do it all? Today I’m going to tell you a little bit about my story and how I learned why it’s so important to take good care of myself so you can be inspired to go and take good care of yourself. Then I’ll share a super-simple way you can get started on taking better care of you TODAY! This is important, because when you are well in mind, body and spirit, so is your family and the whole world. I hope you’ll tune in! If you want more inspiration, join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community! Also, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes,

  • Why You Want to Make Your Husband Feel Like a Winner

    30/03/2022 Duración: 16min

    Most women don’t realize it is vitally important for their husband to feel like a winner. It impacts how they show up in the world and in their marriage. When they feel like a winner, they show up like a winner! But when they feel like a failure, they show up like a failure. Make sense? Who do you want to live with? A winner or a failure? I know you said, “A winner!” So, in this podcast I am going to give you 3 simple tips to help your husband feel like a winner — because you can significantly influence this! I hope you’ll tune in! If you want more inspiration, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE! And don't forget to join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community!

  • How to Create the Marriage You Want by Embracing Who You Are

    16/03/2022 Duración: 15min

    This episode of the podcast is about how you can create the marriage you want by embracing who YOU are! Yes I said "Embracing who you are!" You, sweet sister, are a lovely, amazing woman, and you bring some pretty phenomenal qualities into your marriage relationship. Today I'd like to remind you of that and show you a very simple way to use your God-given gifts to make your marriage more of what you want it to be. You can start today! If you want more inspiration, I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE! And don't forget to join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community!

  • What to do if You are Lonely in Your Marriage

    09/03/2022 Duración: 13min

    Many women reach out to me for help in their marriage because they feel lonely. They are not alone, a national survey conducted in 2018 found more than 30 percent of married people report feeling lonely. Isn’t that crazy? 30 percent. Well, help is here. I brainstormed and came up with 7 ideas to help you if you are feeling lonely in your marriage. We’ll talk about practical things you can do, logistical things you can do, how to communicate with your husband about it and how to wrap your mind around it in a healthy way. I hope you’ll tune in. I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE! And don't forget to join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community!

  • How Marriage Coaching Can Help Your Marriage

    02/03/2022 Duración: 17min

    Would you like to refresh and renew your marriage? Are you looking to increase the feelings of connection between you and your husband? Do you want to communicate better with your husband? Then marriage coaching may be for you! In today’s episode of the podcast I am going to share with you how marriage coaching works and what the difference between marriage counseling and marriage coaching is so you can see which method of professional help would be best to help you achieve your marriage goals. Tune in! I have created a free Communication in Marriage Video for you. In just 30 minutes, this video will teach you how to make the communication in your marriage more positive and productive. Download it HERE! And don't forget to join me in A Life Designed, my free, private Facebook community!

  • How to Fall in Love with Your Life

    16/02/2022 Duración: 16min

    Do you love your life? Or do you often find yourself wishing things were different? Do you feel excited to get up and get going in the morning? Or do you feel like every day is the same as the last? Do you have fun every day? Or do you feel bored quite often? If you answered negatively to these questions, don’t worry! It happens to the best of us. The truth is that it can be all too easy to get busy and forget that our lives require our active participation in order to stay fresh and exciting. So on today’s podcast, I am going to share with you 3 simple things you can do to start falling in love with your life all over again. If you would like more inspiration, download my Ultimate Guide to Guilt-Free Self-Care HERE! And join us in the Life Designed Community on Facebook!

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