Transformation, The Empowerment Game



Are you ready to level up your life? This show may be THE game changer you are looking for! Audrey Newmont offers new rules, innovative tools and clever cheats to help you win at life. Sometimes funny, often profound - Audrey's generous spirit is here for YOU. Years of experience have given her a wealth of insights that she is excited to share. Come along for the journey.Her groundbreaking book TRANSFORMATION, The Empowerment Game will be available soon! For now, enjoy her voice. We would appreciate if you would subscribe to this show. Thanks in advance!


  • Healing Meditation

    25/12/2021 Duración: 18min

    This meditation is designed for those that are suffering from cold/flu symptoms.

  • Raise Vibration Meditation

    21/12/2020 Duración: 24min

    This is a good time to recharge our internal batteries. In this meditation, we will hit the reset button and rebalance our energies. This is a perfect time to intentionally raise our vibration to match the higher frequency that this cosmic grand conjunction offers. The intention is to transform any unconscious fear and expand our consciousness of love, peace, joy, appreciation, etc.

  • The Newmont's, 20 Years Strong

    14/06/2020 Duración: 29min

    My husband and I just celebrated our 20th anniversary!  Over dinner we had such a good time discussing our memories and why we are still having a good time. We came home and decided to share a bit of how and why we are still strong at this big milestone. This podcast is from our hearts and very spontaneous. In this conversation we share from being married and our own personal relationship, to being therapists and what we discuss with clients to help them navigate the sometimes choppy waters of marriage. We hope you enjoy!

  • Fear Into Power Meditation, Moving Beyond Anxiety

    18/05/2020 Duración: 38min

    What is fear? Below are some examples of False Evidence Appearing Real, do any of these resonate with you? You are considering a possible future that does not have your best and highest happening. You are thinking that the past will keep on haunting you or will keep being recreated in ways that you are not intending. You are in the moment, your needs are met, and the worry your experiencing is about the life of someone else. You find yourself unable to control your will power. You are using addictive behaviors that do not support a healthy lifestyle. How else can you know you are in fear?  You are experiencing anxiety, worry, fear of future, anger/rage, and, at the bottom of the list is grief and depression. You view the past with judgement, guilt, shame and remorse. Physically your energy leaves the center of the body and you go into the very unconscious flight, fight, freeze.  *Important* Mentally you are not thinking clearly. You are focused on the problem. You are at the effect of others. How

  • In the Pandemic Pause, Letting Go

    22/04/2020 Duración: 22min

    Have junk in the trunk? Unwanted baggage to dump? It’s time to let it all go and be free from the resentment, guilt, shame, anger, etc. from the past. In this segment Audrey is talking with one of her clients (anonymous and with permission) about how to be done with the past for good and use the wisdom to move forward with more happiness. She is also sharing more details of the process of letting go using her Tools. 

  • Deep Sleep

    11/06/2019 Duración: 22min

    Meditation for Deep Sleep

  • Episode 1 - Move From Victim to Victorious

    05/02/2019 Duración: 12min

    The Tools In Action. Constructive Communication & Owning Your Power