Everyday Truth With Kurt Skelly



Everyday Truth with Kurt Skelly is a 10 to 13-minute, daily podcast in which Kurt teaches through books of the Bible with one of his four adult children.


  • Wednesday, June 26 | The Powerful Verse in Hosea that Paul Quoted! (Hosea 13:9-16)

    26/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    Hosea 13:9-16 In the middle of a hard-to-hear passage of rebuke, Hosea offers the redemptive hope that can only come from God! Through Jesus, God offers hope not only over sin itself, but also from its consequences of death and the grave. Paul quoted this very verse to encourage the Corinthians about the same thing!

  • Tuesday, June 25 | The Lurking Danger of Prosperity (Hosea 13:4-8)

    25/06/2024 Duración: 16min

    Hosea 13:4-8 To be sure, some people go through dark times and choose to blame God. But those that enjoy prosperity are much more likely to forget God than those who go through hard times. The irony is this: God is the bestower of blessings, and He is the one most often neglected when they multiply!

  • Monday, June 24 | Five Crushing Effects of Sinful Pride (Hosea 13:1-3)

    24/06/2024 Duración: 11min

    Hosea 13:1-3 These three verses are a powerful reminder of how destructive sinful pride can be. So completely destructive is its toxin, that people rarely recover from its dominating effect upon them.

  • Nehemiah 8 | Begin with the Bible (Part Two) | Weekend Pulpit

    23/06/2024 Duración: 45min

    Nehemiah 8 from the series "When God Interrupts Your Life"

  • Friday, June 21 | You’d be better off living in a tent! (Hosea 12:7-14)

    21/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    Hosea 12:7-14 Israel was doing well economically and had a thriving economy based upon her business savvy and ability to trade effectively. She even bragged about her ability to do so. She enjoyed all of the trappings of the wealth such business success brought. But God saw it differently. It would be so much better for Israel to return to the time of living in tents and having nothing so that she could rely upon God for protection and provision again!

  • Thursday, June 20 | Be like your father, but don’t be like your father! (Hosea 12:1-6)

    20/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    Hosea 12:1-6 Hosea compares the people to their forefather Jacob. Jacob was a deceiver and a supplanter. He manipulated to get what he wanted, and he had a reputation for scheming. Israel was acting just like their father. But Jacob changed! He prevailed with God, wept, and communicated with God in a new and powerful way. Hosea pleaded for Israel to follow that pattern of return to God.

  • Wednesday, June 19 | “Even when I’m bad, He loves me!” (Hosea 11:1-12)

    19/06/2024 Duración: 17min

    Hosea 11:1-12 This short chapter reflects the tender heart of God in such a wonderful way! A mere human being would never have put up with the kind of rank unfaithfulness that Israel had exhibited. But God is not a man! He demonstrates that even His judgments on His people have a long-term positive result. He loves them and longs to bless them!

  • Tuesday, June 18 | Sow righteousness and reap mercy! (Hosea 10:9-15)

    18/06/2024 Duración: 17min

    Hosea 10:9-15 The law of sowing and reaping is found throughout the Word of God. Perhaps the most difficult part of the process is understanding that present, righteous decisions have enormous value that cannot be seen until other seasons in our lives. The people of Israel were just beginning to see the consequences (reaping) of their choices. In this context, Hosea pleads with them to cultivate the field of their hearts and plant better seeds. 

  • Monday, June 17 | The Deadly Danger of a Divided Heart (Hosea 10:1-8)

    17/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    Hosea 10:1-8 What you do with the blessings God has given you will reveal a lot about your character. Do you respond in humble gratitude? Do the blessings fuel future obedience? Or do you simply consume the blessings for your own enjoyment and benefits, giving only a passing nod to God? Your heart is often best revealed during days of economic prosperity.

  • Nehemiah 8 | Begin with the Bible (Part One) | Weekend Pulpit

    16/06/2024 Duración: 40min

    Nehemiah 8 from the series "When God Interrupts Your Life"

  • Friday, June 14 | The Silver Lining in Judgment (Hosea 9:14-17)

    14/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    Hosea 9:14-17 So comprehensive would the judgment of God be upon Israel that she would lose her very status as a nation. She would lose God’s favor, God’s provided blessings, and even (in many cases) her own children. Yet, hope remained. She would become a wanderer among the nations. The scattering of God’s people would, in and of itself, be a preservative. They would not and could not be utterly destroyed, and one day, God would regather them from the corners of the world. Today, we are witnesses to some of that regathering!

  • Thursday, June 13 | The good ‘ole days are gone. (Hosea 9:10-13)

    13/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    Hosea 9:10-13 In today's episode, we learn how God viewed His past relationship with His people. They were a pleasant and joyful refreshment to Him, and His memories of them were fond. But they unwisely left God and brought horrible consequences upon themselves. Now, they were doing the exact same thing!

  • Wednesday, June 12 | See it before it gets here! (Hosea 9:5-9)

    12/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    Hosea 9:5-9 One of the jobs of a spiritual leader is to be a watchman. Because of his own walk with God and knowledge of God’s Word, he has a vantage point that others do not have. He can see things on the horizon that others cannot see. With diligence and boldness, he must be willing to warn those around him about the impending danger.

  • Tuesday, June 11 | Wipe that smile off your face! (Hosea 9:1-4)

    11/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    Hosea 9:1-4 We all love to experience economic blessings—the pay raise at work, the strong stock market, the fertile garden, etc. During Hosea’s day, Israel was experiencing all kinds of great economic blessings. So then why would God tell the people not to rejoice in them and for them? Had they not come from God? Isn’t joy appropriate in those situations? 

  • Monday, June 10 | Dumb donkeys make dumb decisions! (Hosea 8:9-14)

    10/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    Hosea 8:9-14 Deer hunters understand that a buck will make risky and dangerous choices when he is on the prowl for a doe. The “rut” season is the best time to hunt because the otherwise cautious deer will put himself in a vulnerable place. God likened the nation of Israel to a dumb donkey who ventured alone into a very dangerous place!

  • Nehemiah 7 | Now What? | Weekend Pulpit

    09/06/2024 Duración: 43min

    Nehemiah 7 from the series "When God Interrupts Your Life"

  • Friday, June 7 | Sowing the Wind and Reaping the Whirlwind! (Hosea 8:6-8)

    07/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    Hosea 8:6-8 Small bad decisions will create a tornado of consequence eventually. Israel learned this the hard way. They sowed the wind; i.e., they made seemingly insignificant evil choices over a long period of time. But those choices—all put together—created a whirlwind of hurt and despair.

  • Thursday, June 6 | Knowing God is more than knowing about God. (Hosea 8:1-5)

    06/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    Hosea 8:1-5 The people of Israel claimed to know God. When the consequences of their sin caught up with them, they protested that they couldn’t possibly deserve such calamity—they know God! But the colossal mistake they made was this: knowing God is a lot different than merely knowing about God.

  • Wednesday, June 5 | Crooked bows shoot off-target arrows! (Hosea 7:8-14)

    05/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    Hosea 7:8-14 Your likelihood to hit a target’s bullseye is only as good as the accuracy of the weapon you choose to use. If the barrel on the rifle is bent, the bullet will not fly straight. If the bow is crooked, the arrow will miss the mark. God called Israel a “crooked bow” who missed the mark. How so? Listen in!

  • Tuesday, June 4 | God has a good memory! (Hosea 7:1-7)

    04/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    Hosea 7:1-7 The people of Hosea’s day were not considering that God remembered everything they did. In fact, their sins had surrounded them! If God remembers our sins, then there can be no hope for any of us, right? Wrong! Because God has also provided a way by which He can forget our sins!

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